Hace unos meses hablábamos en este blog de la Gente famosa que lleva la pulsera Power Balance. Los beneficios de la misma no se han hecho esperar para algunas personas.
Saluden a su nueva Ministra de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad (a pesar de lo que muchos creían, el ministerio de igualdad no desaparece, sólo se "arrejunta"). Para que sigamos dudando de los poderes de la pulserita. Ay, Sanidad, qué mal te veo.
English: The girl in the picture is the brand new Health Minister of Spain. Some months back, I posted this picture of her wearing the infamous Power Balance bracelet. For her, it turned out to be very powerful indeed!
21 comentarios:
gotta get me one of those lol
Cool blog even though I can't read any of it xD
power bracelets,.. its just a rubber bracelet
Thanks, Jakeman. I have included a little summary in English at the end of the article. Hope it helps.
yo intento hablo espanol! :>
good thing i understand what it says. NOT!
This is great!
@Jonathan, please read English summary at the bottom. Next time, I'll add a little flag.
@bingblott, lo haces bastante bien ;-)
amazing blog! lol
lol too funny :)
i gotta get me a bracelet too ;)
That was funny ;)
i used google translator... lol
la verda, pura verdad,
I agree entirely.
do those power braclets really work>?
Cool thing with the English summary. Helps a lot. I must get me one of those bracelets. :P
Ugh, cuando vi esto me dio vergüenza ajena. Ministra, y encima de sanidad, con la pulserita. Espero que la lleve por moda o porque sea un regalo porque si no...
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